Belt tension / Elastic belt assembly
Adjusting the tension of a belt, installing an elastic belt, as original equipment or in the after market

Semi-automatic machine for installing elastic belts, with the possibility of installing two belts at the same time, on the same front. Install Auto® installs belts on the crank shaft pulley, on free pulleys and immobilised pulleys. This solution can be used on moving production lines or static lines.

Manual reworking tool for installing elastic belts. The tool is recommended for use in reworking areas and may be used in production for the assembly of small volumes of belts. Portable and compact tool. Assembly cycle time 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Universal manual tool for elastic belt assembly. The USBI is lightweight (250 g), strong and easy to carry. Approved by several belt manufacturers.

Multi-make tool for acoustic (twin microphone) belt tension measurement in Hertz, contactless operation. Its compact twin-microphone measuring head covers a wide measurement range from 30 to 520 Hz, filters ambient noise and makes it possible to reach belts that are not easily accessible. The measurement is taken in less than 30 seconds. It is easy to use, with just two buttons; a measuring system self-test is incorporated into the device. As an option, the tool can be supplied with a catalogue of associated values. Tool approved by Renault, Ford, Volvo, Opel, Fiat.

Multi-make tool for acoustic (single microphone) belt tension measurement in Hertz, contactless operation. Its compact single-microphone measuring head covers a wide measurement range from 30 to 520 Hz. It is easy to use with just one button, and its small sensor provides easier access to the front of the engine. As an option, the tool can be supplied with a catalogue of associated values. Approved by Suzuki, PSA.

Universal multi-make tool for optically measuring belt tension in Hertz. Using laser technology, the tool may be used regardless of the type of environment, with several applications (conveyors, air conditioners, industrial fans, compressors, generating sets, combustion engines, household appliances, farm machinery etc.). An LED sensor measures the tension thanks to the vibrations of the belt, over a wide range from 5 to 500 Hz. Indication (pictogram) of correct tool positioning by detecting the measuring distance. May be used in noisy environments. Test tuning fork supplied.

Tension measuring tool for all timing belts and accessories (in SEEM and Newton units). Designed specially for measuring the tension of different engine belts while leaving the hands free to adjust the tension. Measurement by deflection of the static tension of the belt, by deforming it over a portion of its length. Allows basic adjustment of accessories belts. Approved by Peugeot, Citroen, Suzuki.

Belt tension inspection tool for heavy goods vehicles (in SEEM units). Designed especially for wide belts (up to 10 Vs). Allows accurate and repeatable measurements of the tension of V-belts and multi-V belts. Approved by Renault Trucks.
For more information about assembly solutions and belt tension, belt tension measurement or requests for a special development adapted to your business, please contact our experts.